Search results

  1. mane2008

    Archive seedbank, good germ. rates

    Thanks She's very branchy and lanky as with most OG strains(this is actually my first legit OG cross that shows legit OG signs. I'm used to watered down kush pollen chucked crosses smell wise I keep thinking raw lime juice with crushed grapes somewhere around in the mix. She puts off more of...
  2. mane2008

    Grimace OG

    Not mine but here's a day 56 pheno another fellow grower found within 5seeds of grimace OG. Seems Urkle dominant, solid colas with little to no branching at all I may only be on week 4 but archives genetics seem very stable from the posts on another forum and just my brief experience with...
  3. mane2008

    Archive seedbank, good germ. rates

    Great germ rates over here from archive 100% with grimace OG... Face off Dom grimace Urkle dom
  4. mane2008

    Grimace OG

    I've got two more phenos in veg, one is SUPER LANKY and branchy while the other isn't. Anyone else running archive strains? I've got my eye on purpetrator, ghost OGxmemory loss, Kirkwood OG, and the faceoff bx2 Urkle dominant grimace OG day 27 This one doesn't brach out at all but she's...
  5. mane2008

    Grimace OG

    Grimace OG day 27 since 12/12(face off leaning pheno imo), I don't have much exp with OG hybrids but this one has the structure of faceoff... loads of branches Not good at smells but lime juice and grapes come to mind when I smell this one. First spot of purple I noticed was on day 26, night...
  6. mane2008

    bodhi seeds

    I understand yield is important to many so what about trying the strains he states are big yielders in the description. hope you find what suits your needs wish i could help if I can get 1.25-1.5lbs per light im happy. Im still learning to dial my rooms in and thats what made the difference in...
  7. mane2008


    he has my attention as well. bazooka joeg, hell raiser and overlfo Eh I usually just drop some pics on the official threads where everyone posts their results, but grimace is supposed to be a treat so I'll prob start one 1-2 weeks before i flip them. Going to do my best to take pics every...
  8. mane2008

    Status of Attitude Seed Orders

    awesome, grow some DANK man
  9. mane2008

    Coco Growers Unite!

    LOL, its quite the opposite, people use additives to give what their incomplete base doesnt have. If your base nutes have the correct npk ratios along with micro nutrients there is no need for additives esp bloom boosters that just end up adding too much PK anyways. We wont go into detail about...
  10. mane2008

    Rare dankness/rd genetics

    yea man, they give you basic strain info
  11. mane2008


    grimace og(archive seeds) even got 13 instead of 12. already in wet paper towels lol
  12. mane2008


    got my seeds today actually they were shipped on the 26th. so one week is dope. hopefully theyll go out on the same day i order next time.
  13. mane2008

    Status of Attitude Seed Orders

    damn man that fucking sucks, so did you ask attitude for something different or are you going to wait for starkiller to come back
  14. mane2008

    Indoor 3 oz or more plant contest.!!

    dope thread
  15. mane2008

    Jointed's Journey

    nice work J, im subbed!!!
  16. mane2008

    kosher tangie

    thanks stitch. this is my last and favorite pheno(even tho it seems like itll take 11 weeks). big heavy buds that reek of orange ajax and other citrus extracts. Anyways "Ajax Pheno" day 68
  17. mane2008

    Yield increasing techniques

    I seriously cosign this!! overall plant health is the main goal while giving the plant what it needs in the correct ratios. All of those bloom boosters in conjunction with high PK base nutrients are just overkill lol. But the fancy words and exotic label are just so hard to resist when buying...
  18. mane2008

    New And Updated Rollitup

    I wish all these sites would stop using the "followers" concept. i just dont like that. this isnt twitter lol. I cant lie though, man the new pic uploader is SICK MAN!!! i never knew how to post big pictures and now it does it for me
  19. mane2008

    Best Places To Go - Online Shopping

    Silver Kush day 68(chopping on 77)Sil Killw Kosher Tangie Day 68(ill chop on day 77) No journal, I might start one again one day. if its cool and doesnt take away from the point of the thread ill drop a couple pics in this one every couple of weeks. Im running kosher tangie(keeping)...
  20. mane2008

    Status of Attitude Seed Orders

    Same bro Ordered on the 8th and got it on the 14th lol. I avg from 6-10days from shipping which is usually the same day as i order or the day after. Mine go through NY ISC then Jamaica NY, if it hits Chicago for me then I know its been opened and seized