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  1. D

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    Is that the best you can come up with. No one was ever pulling my strings
  2. D

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    Once again the Dr. don't know how to read or only reads the parts he thinks applies to him and only the science he provides is reliable... First of all doc, that article explains that in order to check for a calf you must insert your arm in the cows ass and feel for it... despite this being a...
  3. D

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    Sorry but I believe I have more than proved my point here. Just as well as any one else here has. So I bid the all fare well. I will reiterate? This experiment created by a man who obviously thought he was in control of some part of it. Obviously didn't turn out as planned... and for a moment...
  4. D

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    and Who knows it could have because where's DNA???
  5. D

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    remember many of you thought that ended or would end in death lmao!!!
  6. D

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    Just like Ron was with this thread. With no control over how it turned out in the end
  7. D

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    They are experimenting just like doctors and lawyers are practicing
  8. D

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    Ha! I said is it that or is it the Hormones? No one knows! In other words there is room for doubt. Personally, I think it is just that most are eating the grain... and Men don't know half of what they guess at.... Man has not mastered his own DNA or reproduction. Long less the mating process. He...
  9. D

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013 a man can be ass deep in it and think he knows and still be wrong
  10. D

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    While that all sounds well and good you do realize how pregnancy is determined in cows and the number we are talking about. Right??? Lol
  11. D

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    It does fix everything :) lol
  12. D

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    ... being protection of the plants... to clarify lol! almost stuck my foot in it
  13. D

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    :clap: wishing for world peace......
  14. D

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    Sorry that was just too easy lol!
  15. D

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    I have been known to blow a man off a time or two. rolmafo!!!
  16. D

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    LOL! :weed: :joint: :) :D
  17. D

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    Wow, here is where we end up. What a way for a conversation on DNA to rap up. After all It is kinda sorta where it all begins. When it comes down to humans. Right? LOL!
  18. D

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    Clearly we can see that men are not in control and that we are all phucked as I said!