I normally clear the snow from my property and the elderly neighbors I have on each side of me.
my snowblower took a crap. My karma must also be paying me back because I haven't had to shovel once. One of my other neighbors in the hood must be clearing my entire property. Sidewalks, driveway...
Know your history and bow your head in mourning for the men, women and children that were senselessly massacred today in 1890.
Asking for help is foreign to me, even when I may need it. I Recently found myself in a position of needing help.
Our friends Homeless and Nancy happened to be coming into town and showed me more love than I can remember being given in a very, very long time.
This was a hand up and not a...
I'd rather sound the day in my garden listening to toons.
thsi is the last year I will be doing the holidays. If peeps want this shit in the coming years we can go out to eat. Working two days on a meal, yep, last time that will happen.
shitty childhood, shitty Christmases I think that's which...
ive been alone for many a Christmas, 7-11 tacos and a bottle of tequila and to be honest I much rather preferred that than this. Being alone when by yourself doesn't bother me as much as being alone while with a group of people.
MERRY Christmas NN
I'm normally happy to see the holidays, but this year I not into it at all.
Life is so busy that people can't take a minute to breathe 364 days a years and then people want to make up for all they missed in one day. fuck that. Take the time each day to spend with you family. Tell them how much...
Schuylaar: thanks man. Ya I gotta raise my rh
bak: thanks a l0t! Your correct about your ph intuition...
pimp: thanks man. My ph pen an bad.... Just realized this.. I may hit you up for h&g info if that's cool?
resin: yep... Thanks man... I do need to transplant to bigger containers. These...
I initially thought this was splash back until I saw it again. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
After some research I'm starting to think I may have a P deficiency
(a) substrate: Sunshin advanced mix #4
(b) nutrients: House & gardens (full Line)
(c) additives: Europonic Fossil Fuel...