Yeahh I really did it this time. It was just bagseed from mid but it still makes me upset that I killed it T_T
I use this as a lesson so I don't fuck my future plants..
So I have my setup going on in my closet and the light shines through the door cracks. I thought about putting black garbage bags over those spots to hide the light but I heard that helicopters can see through that with their infrared sensors or whatever. I could just be being over paranoid but...
It's a different light but it's off Amazon too. I hope I'm not making the same mistake. I am admittedly very gullible. :oops:
Thanks man I really appreciate the insight! Mistakes are made all the time and refusing to acknowledge them is a wasted learning opportunity imo. I learn more from failing than I do succeeding I guess. And I would like to say thank you for your service to this country!
I bought the light off Amazon:
It's about 1.5 inches above the soil and the light is 4 inches away
My seedling is under constant light (24/0) but the stem just stays skinny and keeps lengthening. This seed is from some weed I bought so I don't know anything about the genetics. This is my first time growing so any advice given will be much appreciated. :)
Edit: Thanks to anyone who cared...