That's awesome man thanks a lot. Ya I'm seeing her this morning and she looks already relieved and more alive looking. I'm armed with info thanks a lot to this site and the great amount of knowledge from all of you growers in here. Much appreciated for all of your help.
She is in full sun in...
So I did what they said about the potassium overdose. I flushed the pot with water right now A LOT (approx 3 x the size of the pot) and will wait for the next watering in 3 days instead of 2 (or when its light enough to need water).
Will update soon
This is exactly my can I fix this? I'm assuming flush with water very well and add a stronger shot of super thrive? Bloom fert is coming Thursday a balanced one called bio thrive
I read the alchimia web one yesterday but that diagram is amazing.
Hey guys....another question. I made a banana peel tea and watered the gorilla with it but I think maybe it got too much potassium. The ph of the banana peel tea was 6.2
The plant is less green than my durban by far and I'm wondering 2 things.
1. How bad is too much potassium from an organic...
Well...I put the superthrive in the balanced with apple cider vinegar and BAM! SHE IS HAPPY AGAIN. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! Heres some pics and we are getting bloom fert next paycheck. Banana peel tea for now to help and Epsom salts in about a week again and have to support still.
The bloom fert I'm getting has that and Epsom salts have saved this things life no doubt. A tbsp shot every 2 weeks with the fert. So excited we are BACK ON TRACK!
Ya these things are tough as hell. Love em. She's bouncing back pretty good now
Thanks man. Will defs grab some shortly anyways gonna clone the durban I think. I got the superthrive today so she's getting a shot of that today for sure. Learning so much and thanks to all of you guys. In the process of getting materials for a grow tent or cabinet for the winter. I love growing!!!
Here's where my green horn shines. I'm not sure if I'm under feeding or over feeding? How can I tell?
Do I just monitor conditions after and guesstimate....? Educated guess more so
Thanks man. I'm going only organic and trying not to over do it. Seeing what works and what doesnt. Support will be a large area of improvement as well as nutrients next year...getting them dialed in that is. Funny that my Durban poison is just rocking tho......BUT....I forgot I did add banana...
I'll keep it updated. Makes me think now I wasnt feeding it enough. I only ga e it fish fertilizer and some banana tea once or twice a month.
I should be feeding every week or so then?
Hey JJ.....looks like the Epsom salts did the trick. Maybe it was the ph adjustment too but she's getting happy again.
Thanks guys for the help. For sure getting a more all around fert from bio thrive grow and maybe the bloom for flowering in a few weeks.
Didnt think Epsom salts could be a...