Still yellow at the tips. Looks like it’s getting more yellow. Weird thing Is from what I read off the forums is that if it was a nutrient deficiency it would start from the bottom? And these are starting at the top. The bottom is still green the yellow and the starting from the top. I topped...
How far should my light be from the top of the canopy? There’s an 8 inch difference from the tallest plants in the shortest one. From the tallest plant it’s 44 inches to the light. From the shortest plant it’s 52 inches to the light.
You don’t happen to have the print n parts list for that do you? lol or where I can get it? N what size tent did you have it in? I got a 5x5 but I don’t really have space to move things around. I’m thinking bout getting something bigger.
I love the pic. Helps me realize what you guys are saying. Question about the pic tho. What are the pots in and why? I have mine sitting on pink foam insulation board cuz they were sitting on concrete as of last night. The root temp was lower than I wanted it.(72-74)
The soil was reading dry/moist on my meter (soil probe) so I watered it earlier the last time I watered it before this morning (right before the lights shut off smh) was almost 3 days ago. Could the plant be showing signs of me overwatering it days after watering it?
Ok. So when they pray. Hopefully they pray LOL. Wait until they dry, but not dry out completely and then flush them my filtered water? Until the drain out is 20% of what I put in it and then see where that takes me? Got it. Man I appreciate your help more than you know. Thank you
root/floor temp between 70 lights off 75 light on consistent. Canopy temp 73 lights off 81 lights on Consistent. Humidity never higher than 56 never lower than 40. Strain space cookies. Growing in purple cow indicanja lower 1/2 of pot. Top half FFOF, perlite, earth worm castings, coco coir
ok cool. I’m going to find one, hopefully today. What are some things I can put in if I hav deficiencies/abundance of nutes? Or where could I find that info do you know?