When you have high ppm tapwater it usually contains a lot of carbonates, calcium and such from limescale. This has a naturally high buffering capacity. My tap is as bad or worse than yours and I find it takes several ph down treatments to get it stable. I have to start using RO. 18 gallons of...
I like to tell myself it was just a bright full moon when this happens. It's never perfectly dark in nature and some nights can be so clear and starry that you could read by moonlight. If they can handle a day or two of that every month for thousands of years they can handle a night of lights...
I don't know. This is my first time doing it! I don't think there will be an issue. The roots should be large enough to survive contact with a couple of pellets. I should have enough root growth to reach the water in my DWC though when I move them.
I've had seedlings in 1.5" rockwool cubes sitting in a cup of hydroton for like 2 weeks. I've never had them dry out that quickly, but I run my lights on them 12/12. I just use a misting spray and spray the cube and pellets every day or sometimes two days.
Just rinse with pH'd water before...
So today I came home and found that my seedling chamber light was on. Was supposed to go off at 10am, and was on until 4pm... I'm doing 12/12 from seed, but I realize that one day of 6 hours of extra light isn't going to stress them too badly.
My main concern is that I had the intake closed...
Ok, this isn't a showoff post like everyone else.. this is a PANIC! post!
Today I came home and found that my timer got bumped.. lights were supposed to go off 6 hours previously. Now normally that wouldn't be a huge deal.. they aren't even 2 weeks old really.. but they are in party cups...
Flat ultra white paint is way better. It's 90% or more reflective depending on titanium oxide content. The stuff at lowe's, olympic premier is really good. About 10 bucks for a quart. So much easier than hanging stuff on the walls.
You won't get a 400W system for less than that really. Look for one of those kits. My cooltube with digital ballast, hangars, bulb and everything was like 145. Best deal I could find on a cooltube.. and they are so worth it in small spaces.
I don't know. I don't think so. Here's my plants at just a week old. They are just under 2 weeks now and way bigger than this even.
Under 4x 23W 6500KCFLs 12/12 from seed.
I think you need more light really.
As long as its not the cops.. but if it was they would have already questioned everyone in the area I imagine. They weren't on my property, someone else's actually.. but no one lives on it. Plus it's behind a tree line and a lot of icky briars and no one would just walk into them.
I couldn't...
So I guess it's down to deer, rabbits, raccoons or some other mystery animal. Or a very poor thief who takes 3 week old buds and breaks the stalk off. Or police.. but police wouldn't bother with stealth. They would walk right in and chop it down. Or maybe a concerned citizen that happened upon...
I watered the other day with a hefty does of GH Micro/Bloom using Lucas Formula. That's the last I've given them. That was 2-3 days ago, nothing organic like molasses or sugar.