I am using tap water yep. I live in a big city in Ontario that has some very good quality tap water of medium hardness and I figure that it's good enough to run the cycle. I've done a lot of research and that's the conclusion I draw but I'm open to hear your thoughts and I can see that you...
I appreciate all the replies guys I'm going to try and get back to everyone as best as I can.
I always love hearing ideas so shoot me them anytime man. In the meantime, my reservoir is being cooled by whynter air it is currently 0f outside and I'm running a 4in intake with a 200 CFM fan to my...
Okay just did a res change about 8 hours ago. I have an automatic cooling system now that brings in Winter air when the res temp goes above 71. I added nutes and 40 ml of hydroguard for my 20 gal res and nutes and 20 ml of hydroguard for my 10 gal res. These pics were taken like an hour ago and...
Would several small light leaks (very difficult to block) mostly through the net pots be negated by a cool res (<72 f)? Could algae still destroy my crop?
Okay so I ducted a line outside to deal with intake of cool air. For the last 2 days res temp has not gone above 72, however the rot persists and seems nasty still. Plenty of hydroguard in the res. Wednesday is normally my res change day (once a week). Should I do my res change tomorrow? Root...
I'm under the impression that each plants needs around 10 gallons to reach maximum size. How big can they get in 5 gallon buckets? How often would you need to change / top off nute mix in the later thirsty flower stage?
Okay so I gave in and connected an AC. Turns out my basement has 1 circuit and with the AC its riding damn well near the max (breaker flipped when I was installing extended vent for AC and it was working harder. Nothing else is on the circuit except the stuff for growing. Wiring with insulation...
Thank you so much for taking the time to throw in your considerations! I now believe the most serious threat to the grow is temperature since I have struggled with clear and damaging root rot since the post you responded to. I made a new post to talk about it
I'm currently applying 100 ml Hydroguard / 20 gallons in my res during weekly res changes. 4 Large airstones. Lots of bubbles and aeration. Temps in tent peak at 78 during lights on and same with res temp. It follows very closely to air temp. Res is a black and yellow strong tote. Thick, sturdy...
Should I buy a timer for my water pump? I'm really worried that these problems might be the result of "over watering" ie they're being suffocated to death with water in the rapid rooters.
Should I increase the dose of Root Guard? I currently give them 1/4 the recommended dose.
I actually put...
I run a 1300 GPH air pump with 3 4x2 inch large airstones. Bubbles are on the entire surface of the water. There is 20 gallons of water in the reservoir.
1: The tote box is black body with stupid yellow lid. I have the reflective insulation as you can see to help darken inside but it's quite...