I agree... clean it up, re-pot as high as u can.
You can always use 2 buckets... 1 with the bottem cut out. 1 right side up and the other on top, upside down, use screws and duct tape on the lips to attach them... just an idea
Will do! Im interested to see what they are also. Theres 5 of yhem randomly in the garden. Nothing iv ever planted. Last year was the first time i planted stuff back there and all the animals ate everyrhing as they would sprout. This yeat im putting a fence arround it.
I will check back on...
Hey RIU! Im out back rakeing and getting my outdoor veggy/canna garden set up (soil turned, all crap raked out, putting up a small fence) and i found a few of these... i dont know if its a weed.... or maybe something i planted last year... i really dont know. It dosnt seem like there in a...
Awsome ty! So i noticed my humidity was 20-25 and know thats no good. I put a humidifier inside of my little room. Im sitting watching the gauge going up. What should i aim for? A steady 50?
Thanks alot! Iv got all my nutes ready to go. Think it would be good to start feeding them now?
I poped the seeds and germinated them in the soil they are in on and between March 28, and April 13. 90% germ. Only blue mystic from Narviana seeds never poped or germed.
Will do! Thanks for the help. These are the only two that are clones and they were givin to me by my neighbour... so i have no idea what soil he used in yhe cups and for how long they have been in them for.
Iv been holding off potting them up because these are going to go outside as soon as...
This is my first indoor geow. I am using a 600w mh with bat wing reflector.
Some needed water so they were watered after pics were tatak. My light is 4 feet above the girls... is that to far? Will i have better, stronger, faster growth if its a bit closer?
I will be using organic nutes. Worked great for my outdoor last year, as for fox farm i will have a look now.
I just gotta keep those 2 girls alive untill i can put them outside. Couple more weeks hopfully.
Ah ok got you. You are right about the other 1 also. Its gotten way lighter since i posted.
Whay soil mixture would you recomend? This is my first indoor grow so any and all onfo is welcome.
Thank you!
Hey all. I have 2 clones that are critical 2.0. Both are from the same mother, and both have been takin care of EXACTLY the same. But something is wrong with 1... something missing and she wants it... but what is it?
Obviously its the light coloured one. The darkere green plant is just to...
Ok i got ya. My temps over night stayed steady at 31° c (87.8° f). I have the temperature dongle about halfway up on the wall in the room.(wireless thermomater) It was -2 all night outside the room. It looks like i will be needing a small vent or i will be running into over heating issues.
See i would have concidered it butttttt i just got done building it and insulating it. Lol
So now that i have it almost completly covered in ill get a true temp reading tonight. Were acually getting a big snow storm tonight. Warnings all over the place.
My wife made me take them out of the...