exactly - but make shure that Vf of your chip isn`t higher ~41,5V
look to the datasheet of @GrowLightResearch and estimate your real Vf -
which depend on the Tj of the chip - and can be a bit higher in a cold winter morning, starting a cold chip
:peace::peace: hi brother 4` x 5`
Yes :clap: - cool down with cold beer and wire your fingers in parallel with your growing grow head room -
and all drivers will wire your chips in series as long as you limit your personal current to control
space, time and state of mind. (:
you could drive 5(20) cobs / (4)driver to get better spread over your squares
and squeeze out full load of the driver - because if Vf of your chip is ~37V
power on the wall is only ~155W (4 x 37V x 1,05A) ---> 31W / sqf
max. power would be ~209V x 1,05A ---> 43,9 / sqf
never connect a single cob to the driver as 119V is the min. voltage in a closed circuit.
The best efficiency of that driver you find @ full load - close to max. of open circuit voltage (250V)
:peace: always good to know some basic information - before answering questions
to chose a driver and chips it`s helpfull to know:
- size of your grow room
- how many plants
- veg or bloom (or both)
- tall plants or i.e. scrog / sog
the drivers you mentioned are not very efficient (90%)
my definition of a typical watercooled set up - is a closed water loop in a square aluminium tube.
You don`t need expensive heat sinks and fans - water hoses and little pumps are much cheaper.
Prices for industrial brands like the link above are mostly pretty expensive and imo not worth the...
The huge amount of heat energy they are able to sink is a result of the
evaporation energy of water 2441J / g
This is 1 L / 0,68 KW of heat power
or in a 5KW lamp system ~ 100L / ~ 68KW / day
if you have free water and using an existing airflow - you don`t need much additional electricity...
QUOTE="Schalalala, post: 14023571, member: 952912"]bullshit?
you are a little german nazi boy and a :spew:sick puppy
10 of your 30 posts are insulting response on my post
why don`t you go back to your "home-forum" grower.ch
and share your sick posts over there with the other 13,5 sick nazi...
i know - but my posts are also an advice to everybody
watercooled light + heat cogeneration will be the future in an energy efficient world.
i`m shure because i practicise
to heat a building with electricity will become a common way to substitute oil and gas heating,
as fast as renewable...
Sorry - my personal calculator smoked too much weed yesterday
the correct numbers for 50000h are:
250.000KW of total electr. input
---> 150.000KW of heat power
---> equivalent in MY household only 20.000 US$
Sorry - in a water flooded world - that`s NOT a bad buisness idea.(:
nooh --- it is incredibly cheaper - if you buy the same chips and driver -
the heatsink makes the difference.
for a watercooled build 5KW - i spent as low as 150$ - with a better cooling result.
10m of aluminium square...
OCV 420VDC is the voltage that you can measure with a multi-meter without load.
if you wire too many chips in series - your leds start blinking (or stay dark)
and your driver can`t build up enough voltage and close/open the circuit.
Specially starting your lamp in low ambient temp. can be a...
you can`t recover anything - because you are to stupid to diy a watercooled led light :finger:
let`s assume that you are enlighted enough to know, that light heat cogeneration of a led chip
= 99,9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 % of If * Vf
CREE says: heat power = ~ 0.75 * If *...
with each KW of lamp power - you can harvest 0,6KW of heat power with a watercooled set up.
If you run eg. 5KW of lamp power 12-18h every day
- during 50.000h of lamplife you will spent
4.500.000KW and you could rewin 2.700.000KW of heat in the next 7 years
you can:
- increase light...
XLamp XHP50.2
Next Generation of Extreme High Power LEDs
The XLamp® XHP50.2 LEDs is the next generation of Extreme High Power LEDs that deliver the lowest system cost through the best lumen density, reliability and color consistency. Built on Cree's latest high power LED technology, the XHP50.2...
you can drive 5 x CXBs 3590 without problems @ ~175V / 1400mA / ~180lm/w
very efficient combination - total 245W = 35W/sqf > enough light.
if you dimm down to 700mA you can reach up to 220lm/w (depends on bin of your chip)
watch your heatsink(s) and try to keep it below 40°C
@ full load you...