I've got a c99 growing outdoors in an fabric pot. Take a look at this bud development...you think I should be concerned with the brownish shit goin on with some of the buds? Bit confused as to how this is happening in the first place. Any helpful advice is gold to me, heres the pics:
Heyo. Take a look at the rapid progression happening with the ladies. Another 20ml dose of 1-4-5 and a tbsp of growers recharge. With the addition of a zippie full of worm castings.
Blue blood from a different angle. I'm having some trouble with this one. Intense forward lean going on...no...
I will man for sure. I grew out the same strain last year in a 25 gal and I feel like I didn't let it reach its full potential granted I had no microscope but there was also supposed to be a solid week of rain coming my way so I didn't want to risk chances of mold..with that being said it was...
Man my only worry is cops and getting busted..I just feel like they wouldn't go through all the effort to chop three plants..or so I tell myself..granted they are monsters and probably quite easy to spot since they're pretty out in the open, but they are spread out pretty well..idk man I'm just...
Damn I can't wait for the day I can grow in my backyard and put my skills to the test with no worries. Jealous of all you lucky growers out there growing in 100+ gallons god damn must be the life! Here's my albino snake check it
Having slug issues as well..What do those fuckers even do to the plants? Most were chillin on the soil..Either way some beer is in order to get rid of em
Whats good guys. Green Crack, Mango Sapphire, and Jamaican Dream all got another dose of liquid fert along with some growers recharge earlier this morning. They're perking up very nicely thanks to all the rain we've had recently. I can tell the growers recharge is working wonders due to all the...
Lol I've been saying "..critical amount" for a while now with no one questioning my diction. But you're right im wrong replace it with scant amount. Peace
Hey man I baby my plants a bit too..I like to give my plants the best possible environment so that they can reach their potential. It's all worth it in the end bro. Where do you live if you dont mind me askin? And If you were to just spread seeds johnny apple style I would definitely check the...
Shit forget to say something. When i was watering that Blue Blood the craziest shit happened. Out from the soil comes a snake lol craziest shit I've seen all day
Nah dude just saw two leaves on the same shoot that had that shit goin on. I only have neem meal should I just brew up another compost tea with neem and foliar with that? Thanks bro
I've got a little rain comin down a bit south from rutland. Yo that green heilo you were speakin of. You think the rollies are out to get a few plants? Also heres a pic of my biggest girl:
Kinda a shitty pic but eh. Peace