:peace: Do you know, that with watercooled PV panels happens the same
than it does with watercooled led light ?
PV panels can get very hot in summer (130°C).
Each Kelvin you can bring down the panel temperature, it produces ~0,5% more electricity.
more info i.e. here...
:spew:Pt = 0.5 * Vf * If
You are really dyslexic: Because CREE on his site nowhere mentioned burple or kind leds - they talk about CREE leds.
Nobody knows from where you suck " chinise burple " out of your sick brain.
:fire::fire::fire::arrow: As an expert in watercooled led light -
@wietefras : " I only quoted information of CREE and OSRAM "
Also, why can't you at least learn from the fact that you keep getting these basic things wrong? Why do I need to waste my time again on something so basic and so obvious? I have corrected you on at least a dozen major mistakes. It...
:peace: Before using peltier plates I suggest you to build up a roof with PV panels to cool your trout tank in summer.
Each square meter can produce 100 kwh / year - and your trout tank stay much cooler
without direct sun.
@wietefras If you don`t believe in CREE - maybe OSRAM helps you to shut down your bigmouth. >:(
@wietefras ?? Are you dyslexic ??
The dissapointment is on my side.
- you never did a watercooled build ! I did many times
- you never measured the heat of a led chip ! I did many times
- you never read this link - as I told you 5 times...
:peace: hi mr. ttystikk - sorry to mention, that all the sticky flowers we are talking about
here in rollitup - are a result of light-input, so light is not always transformed to heat.
In our case - THC & Co. is chemicaly stored light energy.
With PV panels you can charge your electric car and...
:peace: ...that you should read before and after....
Thermal Management of Cree XLamp® LEDs
Heat generation
LEDs generate visible light when current passes across the junction of the semiconductor chip. However, LEDs are not 100% efficient;
much of the power running through an LED is output...
:peace: - My water temps. are 16°C - 37°C.
My chip platines (Tj) i guess ~ 5°C higher.
If you run your grow room at ~26-28°C - there are no problems with condensation
or too much heat - I need very low quantities of fresh (cold) air and water.
:peace::fire: Is it not easier just to use an amount of water (eg. 10kg) in a closed circuit -
and then measure time and rising temperature of water ?
or simply use a heat meter (flow-heat-module)...
...is a coolmac-system. :fire:
to put your heat into a heatexchanger helps you really to save oil or gas and money.
Aircooled led light is ~25% energy efficient - my coolmac-system in the moment ~85%.
Soon I will show you ~95% and the lamp will not need any aluminium or metal...
In a coolmac - system Tj = ~Tc Vf rise significantly and give 10% better performance.
Have a look here: http://www.cree.com/led-components/media/documents/XLampThermalManagement.pdf
Specially when someone lacks awareness,education, responsability and overview - politics could be helpfull to compense.
You !!! - USA-citizens - don`t have money, because your sovereign debt will pass this year,- US$. One of the reasons is - not to put enough taxes on...
I measured a minimum of 70-80% heat of the input power
0.500 A ..................... i measured the heat of XT-E @ 500mA with 3,08 V for ten minutes
888.5 Led lm............. and i received 1,3W of heat power. That means around 80% heat power
574.7 lm/W................ from input.
3.09 Vf...
:peace::eyesmoke:Imagine the way of the heat - outside of your chip.
Your heat meats your thermal grease - and even if it is a very good one - the heat conductivity compared to eg. copper is very low.
OK. - you learned to keep it very thin and you put it only on very flat and plane surfaces...
Yes - copper is also much more expensive and heavy - as you can see and imagine in the pic
I could seal the optimized chip platines even on a plastic tube - no need of any conductiv materials - this patented heattransfer happens as close as possible to the place where the heat is produced...
:peace: :fire:Not at all - with my watercooled * coolmac - system * i`m able to rewin 60-65% of the inverted electr. power in form of hot water with an 80L heatexchanger (EUR 160,-). I use it in the bathroom and kitchen.
With ~ 330W lamp / ~15h a day - I was able to stop the use of oil or gas...