I'll be giving my plants an AACT tomorrow and I usually take a few cups of it and put it in my sprayer along with some yucca to dress the the plant..But i'm not sure this is a good idea anymore. Take a look at the stage of my plant. Think I could still spray?
Also this is what the AACT...
Awesome thanks for the advice rocka I'll invest in one of those shortly. Mine also has hairs everywhere makes me think she's getting ready to bust out some flowers..think the stretch is over or just beginning? Thanks again
Also I've been reading up on liquid ferts particularly the BioCanna line..These plants are in reused soil that was mixed last year..it was amended a bit this year with guanos, rock dust, kelp, and alfalfa meal. I feel like they could use some organic ferts (other than occasional AACT's) to...
How's it goin today. I've got somewhat of a noob question to ask..C99 advertises you should harvest no later than 52 days flowering. Problem is, I'm outdoors and have no clue when to start marking off the days. Could someone give me an idea of what stage my c99 is? Take a look,
This here is...
Also, on the second to last pic (Euphoria) is there a deficiency going on there? Kind of looks like it..the leaves aren't as lush as the other plants. Any suggestions?
Heres some bud porn as well..let me know what you think..The good bad and ugly!
This is c99 from female seeds
I took these close-ups because I'm trying to get some insight as to know if these are starting to flower. I don't want my c99 going longer than 52 days flowering as thats whats...
Heres some bud porn as well..let me know what you think! The good bad and ugly!
This is c99 from female seeds
I took these close-ups because I'm trying to get some insight as to know if these are starting to flower. I don't want my c99 going longer than 52 days flowering as thats whats...
Well I decided to patch it up with medical tape..Shit. I should've put honey in it as well for fucks sake I'm a beekeeper after all! Raw honey has so many uses. :D Heres a pic of her all bandaged up
I would love to let it be but its got me tripping over mold/pests. I don't want anything but the best for my ladies and I feel like this gap could easily be infested