Here is a super macro photo of what I am hoping is a early pre-flower, at the bottom center of photo is the tip of a toothpick so you can get an idea of how tiny it is. The plant came up all on its own in mid April, usually I don't see flowering til August here in Northeast USA.Your wisdom and...
Ok everyone this is a super macro photo of what I hope is a lady pre-flower, that white object at the bottom center is the tip of a toothpick, so you can get an idea of scale. The plant is a little over 90 days old but I'm still never had anything sex this early although this plant came up on...
Except for one exception I plant 3rd week in May and like clockwork by mid August they are sexing and usually harvest early October, I live in Pa. USA, Happy Gardening.
You can see new leaves growing but what are the white things ?, I top them cause they are growing like crazy here's ashot that shows the whole crop (the fence is 6 feet tall).
Here's a Pa. update, Amish Ecstacy(3rd generation) ,Train wreck and Blue Cheese, all about 90 days old, the fence is 6 feet tall so you can get an idea how big and fast they are growing.
This is from a plant that is a little over 90 days old, if you look above the toothpick you'll see a tear drop shaped node with 2 white hairs/pistols? emerging, just wondering if it's a female, I'm crossing my fingers.TIA
Pot plants found in parked pickup, police say Posted: Jul 17, 2013 10:00 AM EST Updated: Jul 17, 2013 10:01 AM EST By Myles Snyder - email
CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. (WHTM) - A Franklin County man is facing drug charges for having marijuana plants growing in his truck.
State police in...
Looks like you're in a shaded area, nothing beats tons of sunlight in veg. stage I'd try to prune them to make em bushier. My main plant grew 5 feet plus in 90 days. In the northeast thing should be flowering by mid August. Happy Gardening.
I have a plant that came up all on its' own in mid/late April, it is well over 5 feet tall now and very bushy (due to pruning), I'll post macro photos when I fix my PC. Today I noticed on careful examination I've discovered a green tear dropped shaped node with a white hair emerging, could it...
I'm a total guerrilla grower, that is ,I got a good spot, throw my seeds down, and cross my fingers, usually it's 60 to 70 percent female, although one year I had 80 percent males. I've never bought pre-sexed seeds, so I guess I've been pretty lucky