Things are relatively simple when monochromatic, it's when the war obscures everyone's mutual interest in true Public Health that we know how miserably the whole chain of events went wrong since Victoria. I'm thinking about a recent article on heavy metals leaching in e-Cig...
It's only a technical error, with just a few letters dropped in the tittle which should read as follows:
Government takes heat for warning health-conscious Canadians ‘not to consume LEGAL cannabis’
...simply to avoid chronic "moral" auto-punishment by self-poisoning while inflating purely...
« Know your source » never been so true...
Hexo/Hydropothecary did it once for myclobutanil, so what's stopping them and/or any other LP from doing it again? Better yet: why not a hundred times?... Assuming all Pest Control Products have a similar non-detection level it's not...
[ https:// ]
CTV: New property tax rules for cannabis facilities (2019-Nov-13)
...cannabis facilities will be classified as non-agricultural businesses...
Well i just finished scrutinizing this TLMEP (S16Ep6) video segment mentioned previously and there was no hint of an explanation despite the major audience observed across my province:
[ https://...
Now it's not just the proximity to schools for minors which determines the location of an SQdC store, colleges and universities are finally added as well:
[ https://
[ https:// ]
CBC: Quebec passes cannabis law that will raise legal age to 21 (2019-Oct-29)
[ https:// ]
ME: Quebec...
Salutations Cannadan,
That comment makes plenty of sense, but then i still wonder: how many billion$ were spent over "enforcement" and "treatment" during the very 1st year. For example in the small city of Trois-Rivières alone (~150K citizens) Trudeau's "Légaleezation" justified hiring 4...
Truth is there can't be apologies (much less compensation/repairment!) while accountability still gets diluted until it escapes all control beyond our own democratic institutions, only to serve some failed utopia born of mass-trauma between 2 wars, mainly aligned on emotional...
Of course the review didn't include clear macro snapshots of any trichome glands (much less the results of an extensive laboratory analysis)...
M'well, i can only imagine why! :hump:
Salutations Cannadan,
Oh yes i do. Lets start with an installed guru inherited from Harper's era, sent by Trudeau to organize UNGASS 2016, then deny healthwise HR alternatives...
Now transfered to agriculture as i recall! So lets expect more sabotage imported directly from UN's 2014...
When a dealer 1st offers quality as illustrated by above row then switches to "Tumbled Weed" shown right below i can switch to the next dealer lining up to deliver it conveniently at my door:
When this happens after returning from a long trip from the only SQdC store around it's...