12 foot tall corn is like a flag pole that has a flag that ssays im tyrying to hide pot ! lol at least i noticed that when i was a little younger !!!!!!!
thanks brandon 72!! haha last night i got super baked and then sleept on an air mattresss with my dogs just outside the tent, i sleep very comfortably i even woke up middle of the night and forgot i was outside at first !
just got a stoned thought! u know that show bait car?? they should do bait plant!! haha cops grow 6 small fire plants and somehow give potential thiefs a chance to learn of them and then have the spot set up with cameras catching them in the act with the plants they just stole and catching like...
while if its not tied down the tarp will catch wind and rip lol and if rain starts to pool up in puddles u will have problems ! just saying it looks really half assed done
willl have to wait and see if the reward is worth this all ! i wish i could just throw down like 20 + clones in some decently amended organic soil and set up a drip system and spray for pests and just forget about it and be happy with 3-4 ounces per plant but with hella plants lol but no i cant...
nice plant ! unless your a "little person " lol and its really like 4 feet tall ...
i could sware i saw a midget driving an 18 wheeler earlier today i tripped out it was hella funny im not sure he mite of just had a weird baby arm yo
u should throw up a pic of the stem
i would hire a guard but not some fat ass off of bud trader haha but a legit security guard i mean for 20$ an hour agencys pay the guard 10$ and have them guarding banks so its not like there gonna be like ooh this big grow there gonna be like fuck yeah this guys paying me 200 hours for...
lol on budtrader i look at the ads for fun and saw some fat guy post an ad that he will protect your crop for a cut of it lol hahahahhahah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!