okay thanks for your input i will probably do 3 then maybe 4. an ima see about getting a 400 or 600 watt. what may the yield be maybe? an it might be 2 in a half feet sqr.
so what u guys think would be best for 5 plants in a stand up shower like 2 foot by 2 foot by 7 foot tall i would guess? 5 gal buckets or 3 gal? an what lighting?
ive already grown a couple plants so i kno what im doing just looking for more advice an tips an info i may not kno yet. still learning. still reading lots lol
how big do they get doing 12/12 ? average height an grams? an whats a good lighting for 2foot by 2foot i would say a stand up shower is my idea. 5 plants 4 in corners 1 in middle.
hey anyone in michigan here doing anything? im new just starting an wanna do a good grow. an could use someone to talk to on here bout it that loves plants as much as i do :)