I am looking for some help with a logo.
I'm the type of guy that will learn something new and do it myself before I pay someone but this might be one thing I can't learn that easily. Need some help with making some 3d text and a 3d image.
will pay if you can show that you have skillz
Yeah man that's the challenge.... I have 6 drivers plugged into a power brick and the power brick was off. So I'm guessing it flipped into the surge protection mode or whatever....but who knows why. That has never happened before. I have no idea. I'm just gonna hope it doesn't happen again I...
Temps are at 82/83/84 depending on the day.
Haven't had any more issues though as far as wilting. Was definitely just me being way over cautious with watering due to not having grown in a while.
not using anything for run off I just don't water enough to cause runoff, and if I do the plants usually suck it back up right off the floor. I hate spending 10 dollars on those piece of shit saucers that always crack anyways.
This morning has sucked. I woke up and noticed on my grow cam that my lights were off. It was 7:40 am. My lights are set to be on 11pm - 11am. I rushed in and turned my lights on and then I reviewed my camera footage and saw that the lights went off at 5:45 am. So, the plants got about 2...
My a/c been working hard. No issues thus far. Temps have been steady. Never over 84. Usually around 74 lights off. About a month until harvest. Hoping to get a lb. but we will see
My RH Is low when the lights come on but during lights off it’s fine. Sits at 30% with lights on
But in my experience the humidity always goes up when the buds set in
Yeah it was not enough water. I was watering every other day or every two days and I realized it just wasn’t enough for the bigger plants. So o started watering each plant with half gallon almost everyday. Just to keep them wet without over doing it. Now I kind of just wait till they wilt a...
I ended up putting a 8000 btu in the window of the room. Got rid of portable ac altogether. Mounted LED drivers outside of the tent. Now I am able to keep the temp at 85 deg with lights at 85-90% of their total potential brightness. This is with ac set to 71. I’m sure i could turn lights up...
Well. Only way i see to directly vent ac in here is to do what i did with the portable and shove hoses over the vents or maybe mold one of those rectangle style ducts over the front
I think ac would still work just as hard or harder. The sensor that it uses to determine how hard to work is measuring the room temp. Routing the vents direct into tent would warm the room and cause it to work even harder
I just watered this thing 2 days ago. Yesterday it was all perked up and happy and now this morning it’s like this.
Could it need water again? I only gave it a gallon. It’s a 7 gallon pot. That couldn’t have been too much could it?
mannn. you lost me at Celsius. just took a whole physical geography course revolving around Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion and dont remember a lick of it.
but my extension cables should be coming within the month for the drivers so I can place them outside of the tent... I was just going...
Interesting.... well I'm gonna have to do some modifying and get my exhaust going out the window. The window unit sucks air from inside the room right? just wondering because if I put my exhaust out the window right next to the a/c, I don't want the a/c to just suck my exhaust right back into...