That's crazy man they got to the outside of 600s by the end of July!
Sky's the limit for these plants I remember when I thought 200 was the biggest you needed now I'm thinking 1000s are totoally doable if you have the space and soil and water haha.
Great grow!
Doing alright over her sprayed for catipillars last night picked little bud rot spots, and picked out almost 100 catipillars I'll probley try and get another 100 tomorrow I got as maney as I could see today.
Hope everyone's doing
Damn man there fuckin on it this year I had a copter go over come back and circle 3 times so I'm ganna be a little sketch for the next month...... Hopefuly I'm just paranoid. Glad ur ganna be able to finish!
Keep spraying every couple days for like 2'weeks you'll kill them some, then some will hatch kill hem again quick there will only be less eggs and just keep spraying , you should get everything after that.
Thanks man yea iv been spraying with water while I'm looking into something to get can you suggest anything to spray with, I hit them with sevin because it's really strong but realized that's for insects and not mites.
Thanks for the response bud, I'll look into some of those combos and get on it.
Also sick idea with the paint gun compressor idea I bet that thing mist really nice
Could anybody let me know if this is the dreaded russet mites it's only on one of my plants from seed and on mostly the left side of it so Mabey I can still have a shot at stopping them here's some pics
That's more my fear and I'm right on the boarder of like orange and San Diego counties so kinda near you, I just sleep ouside at theme if you don't want to do that I'd try and hide them some
Ya that fireball smell is something else
And the cp yields like crazy I had both of them out in the spring crop the cp also has a awesome smell I mixed both the trims to make a nice wax that had both flavors.