What do you mean that you "save some power" by cooling them to ~45c?
I guess my point is, there is no advantage to watercooling in this setup, so why use it when there are better and cheaper ways to do it?
My DIY watercooling build can cool ~360w of LED using about ~20w of cooling power and...
With shitty COBs its tough to say. If you use any of the quality COBs used in most of the DIY builds on the site there are decent conversion factors available (not that it ultimately matters IMO).
Prepare to open your wallet lol. But having a 200g rez available for cooling should at least...
Very cool setup. Doubt Id recommend that people copy the design, but it is pretty awesome.
Just dont think it really takes advantage of any of the perks watercooling setups offer.
But I do like the ability to customize the spectrum with the lighting.
This is a fact. Its not that it wont...
You had your driver included in the condom test did you not? What is the efficiency rating of that driver?
Also is there a lens on that royal blue led?
What do you mean by this? 57% of the light from any source is infrared? Also, Im really starting to wonder what you mean when you say...
How did you determine you capture 80% of the heat produced? The condom experiment doesnt really carry over well to your coolmac system if thats what your basing it on...
Yes, and there are sooooo many ways to go about that.
Pretty sure @ttystikk collects condensation somehow to feed his plants. Dont think its a drip irrigation though, probably be quite a bit more complex of a task.
True true. Look up "cooling towers" and use that idea to design and...
I think Im starting to see where the root of your misunderstanding lies.
You dont compare every LED to the max possible green light, you compare it to the same color temp.
So if you had a 5800k chip that put out 251 lumens it would be 100% efficiency, not 37% efficient...
This doesnt help your argument.
As for your table at the bottom listing the screw base LEDs... You should check the footnotes that refer to those values. All of the references are at least 4 years old...
Put it this way, I have 4 120mm fans on a radiator taken out of a small window AC unit capable of cooling ~365watts of cobs to roughly 7-8degrees celcius above ambient.
IMO the performance gains arent worth it. Likely use more in electricity trying to actively cool the input water below...
lol, prepare to have your concerns destroyed. Cooling a light with a minifridge setup like that will not work.
Minifridges barely work to keep a rez cool...
You are way overthinking this. A simple PC radiator will effectively shed the heat of a system that small.
This is not a counterpoint. This is "I have no response so Im going to spew utter nonsense and refuse to accept what you say may be true".
Your biggest problem is the fact that you make major assumptions in regards to your test setups.
Anytime you make assumptions you add to your error...
I'd recommend an stc 1000 temp control unit off ebay.
It would be better to submerge the heating coils of the dehuey in the water. Using air as the exchanging medium is never ideal.
I'm assuming the main purpose of this is so your dehumidifier doesn't heat your room so much?
I feel like you hear me, but you clearly dont understand...
But all things considered, youre generally on the right track, you just have a tendency to meander off the rails from time to time when it comes to the details.