Thank you! and in pg 24 about half way down I explain how to make it.
Pretty much blast like normal through a glass or stainless steel tube. Let bubble off on a griddle on lowest setting.
Then scrape. Put it into the vac chamber and get to full vac a few times, until it stops puffing up and re...
Thank you for the info it helps a lot it's a big decision for me ha, and oo wow I didn't notice that it didn't have a valve to soak for a long time, iv seen those open blast tubes that have valves so you can shut it and leave it pressurized for a while then release it. Do you think those are any...
Hey man just ordered the same one well the 1 lb
Did you need anything else for yours? Does it include everythig?
Hey @budbro18 do you see anything I need here besides a vacumme pump and to fill the tank,
Mabey a cooler for the ice water bath? For when I'm trying to re collect the butane?
I try and just dry them until the stems snap like right as they do if u over dry u kinda loose smell and flovor.
And my temps are like 73-78 lights on and 65-70 lights off.
Rh like 30%-60%percent, closer to 30% when lights are on closer to 60%when there off.