Looks like I found the right thread....
I believe 2 QB can be series on an HLG-320H C1400 for 320+ watts. If I decide to double my boards for better coverage, can I hook up 2 sets in parallel with each board pulling 700mA? If I hook up 3 boards with 2 in series and 1 parallel will that also be...
His design is nice, but I feel the placement and orientation of the QB could be better to even out the spread. When I build mine Ill use a meter to see what placement has the "best" spread for a 4x4 area.
Judging by a par map robincnn posted somewhere I can't find again, 8 boards would give...
So really using the 2 hlg320h-1400b it consumes 720 watts at the wall to replace a gavita 1220 watts at the wall. Not to mention the gavita 4x4 par map is crap near the edges, as in less than 300
The price isn't bad either. About $300 for the boards, $60 heat sinks, $200 drivers. Then a few dollars for some misc parts.
About the cost of 2 zips. Good investment if you can get that 2 "units" per 4x4........1.4g/w
I wou
I would prefer 800+ ppf over as much of the footprint as possible. I think I'll do the 640w build and try it out. It seems about what I am looking for.
I think from the data....
From the HLG site
About 160watts from 1400mA would get you to 640watts at 49% efficiency. That gets you about 19 par watts per sqft.
My concern would be getting a good spread with only 4 boards.
I tend to agree. 6 boards at 52% eff. @1050mA for a 4x4 would hit the spot theoretically. 21 par watts should kill it if they are at least as good as a COB.
Seems like the board is 110v so at 700mA it would run at 77 watts. 77 Watts at 55%eff. Would be 42 par watts per board. It would take 4 boards in a 3x3 and 7 boards in a 4x4 to hit over 18 par watts per sqft. 8 boards would be 21par watts per sqft.
From what I have researched from some experts running COBs we should have 18 to 20ish par watts per sqft. Where can I see/find some efficiency numbers for these boards?. In a 4x4 I would think you need more than 290 par watts and a 3x3 over 160 par watts.