Maybe a broken ph tester/not calibrated/salt buildup/can you over water with that system?
Is there a chart to follow? Thats a hell of an experiment on your future smoke to find the best nutes for the plant.
Just checked megacrop ingredients and it has 6.5% cal 1.9% mag and claims to be all in one nute.
"MEGA CROP is an all in one, complete plant nutrient designed from the ground up. It combines the full feeding schedule and multi-product supplement lines other companies suggest into 1 easy to...
I see so much hate on blurples/chinese diodes/cheap low lm/w LED, but they produce some sweet plants if used properly. Whatever works, esp DIY cause you save a few bucks too.
Some dude on reddit spent $75 on used cheap chinese COBs an grew like a pound or something outrageous with it in one...
Wow, thats 145w? dandelion is grown under 150w of citi 1212. Lol. Great job "mongoloid" lmfao..omg i cant believe you called me a mongoloid. Youre amazing, bro.
Got nothing? Lol. My whole point on that post was that HLG doesnt do anything of their own. Without knowing, i asked if HLG is looking into Samsung's new "q series", lm301b, and yes, steven is going to add that into HLGs boards as the next step in the evolution of their overpriced middle...
So what does that make you? Lol
Changed attitude and started sucking up?
Man, your a fool. Lol. I was pointing out that they use a samsung diode. Go buy a quantum board then stick up for them. You fucking built your own, silly. Lmfao. Have fun with your shitty little plant, bro.
Ofc i do. Are you, hlgs grandson? Lol
Haven't built it yet, the other light i built i fine for now, but i will be building one soon.
I see that you built your own strip light and didnt buy a QB. Why u so hostile to me when i talked shit about HLG? Who are you in relations to them that you'd...