I never got to join the Army because of medical issues, but that's probably a good thing because seeing this video on the evening news was my main reason for wanting to sign up.
Also, if it matters, you can just put a small light outside next to your plants and run it at night to fool them into thinking it's still midsummer. Might be easier than moving them indoors every night.
I don't think there's a very big danger of turning hermaphrodite from doing what you describe. If it does go hermie, I'd blame genetics not the light cycle being imperfect.
Only downside is no buzz, I guess. If you grow in hydro you always gets a bunch of nice, relatively clean roots in your water reservoir. I always threw mine away when the...
Excerpt "... lab tests showed those cartridges contained numerous banned pesticides, including myclobutanil, a pesticide that the manufacturer said become poisonous hydrogen...
Okay, I got a few grams of kief from my harvest bin screen gizmo and I saw a couple videos on YouTube that claim you can put it between layers of parchment paper and then press it with a hot clothing iron to melt it into dabbing material. But I tried that and all I got was the same powder I...
When I saw this as a teenager I thought they were destined for greatness but they just disappeared without a trace, AFAIK.
Edited to add: Actually Sparks had a pretty good run and it looks like they even released something in 2017. Just learned that from Wikipedia.