Sup folks,
I have been using smart pots. Today I plan on transplanting but I have this one little stubby lady, I was thinking of just filling the 2nd pot and placing her smart pot and all on top of it to bring her up to canopy level. I use supersoil in a 4x4 tent with a 1k hps for flower in...
in a set up like this you DONT want to push air you want to pull it the fan is last in line Filter > Light > Fan i have had good luck with an oversized filter with a smaller fan running at lower speeds it give more contact time between the filter and contaminated air flters are rated in max CFM...
raidiator, box fan and pump and a stainless steel coil and some decent tubing make a closed system with the items mentioned then the put coil in rez fill closed system with Propylene glycol, it will not work at well at an expensive water chiller but it will chill and save money in power and equ...
i get roots for $9 a bag here in Cali i find the soil to be the cheapest part of the supersoil its all the other crap that costs But God does that shit work i have been using it for 4 runs now and it looks like i Flocked my plants hah
i would wield the Force with everyone in sheep mode nowdays jedi
mind trick would work on all plus all the other cool shit you could do with this one power
i just made some Canna Carmel popcorn its like little peices of white and brown crack lmao. I was thinking of maybe killen a pack of crackerjacks and refillen them and just slapping a canna lea sticker on and the normal crap and giving them to my patients for xmas
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electric companys are like everyother place out to make money pay your bill one time in full every month and you should not have anything to worry about thay realy dont give a shit as long as the money is in there greedy little mitts