"gotta think outside the box guys", before your ruled by the box!
Say what does eating pussy and the mafia have in common?
One slip of the tongue and you are in deep shit!
Yo ThunderCat,
I could replace is isopropyl with 180 proof ever clear right? Then it would be called QWEVRCLR? Or QWEC?
So I understand it is best to freeze both the alcohol and buds. Then the wash is about 22 seconds?
Is it better to leave flowers intact or break apart?
I would image though...
Yeah I've been dabbing in BHO\WAX but I am going to run myself a quick wash using 180 proof Everclear instead of tane. I had an oz ran through tane to taste my shit and my shit was gooood! Can't image what it will be like using EverClear and hopefully I find some extra dough to invest in washing...
Thanks GreenSanta....
I encourage everyone who has yet to see that video to do so, inspiring! Once you go BioChar you'll realize how better of your plants are!
Someone was showing that at work and a co-worker said if collection plate comes in under joint I am going to laugh so loud the entire building will here me. He did, they thought of course we were smoking something with all the laughter coming from us. Good Times Good Times
That's right it is not your page SxIStew, it's Danks and in all reality it is RIU. And as he has welcomed me to post he in return is welcome to do so to.
And your post is in direct opposition to the spirit the founders here intended, sad sad sad for haters like SXStew Roseypeach and the ilk...
I imagine the same process here, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plJ34fekM2E&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PLApXYvbprElwrArh0ffNKWU4pFdRSSjH4
However replace wood with rice hulls?
Damm, I'd love to be a kid today and when my teacher or parent asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up.. I be like damm what the punk ass do you think I wanna be biatches.... :ono but it would be cool to reply I'd like to be a medicinal cannabis farmer! :weed: