My old boss had a beautifully sweet pit, slept with his son. I think dogs are like people, raise them right and they still have a chance of doing something wrong but most likely they will be sweet loving dogs.
You can never be 100% sure of anything in life.
People bash the 9lb hammer because the first release was like going to an all transgender party. They changed one of the parents after that and now you have people hating on the folks who dove in first and got burned. Had they stood up and sent out a pack of the second round most people would...
DJ Short seems a little more together than his son lol. That being said I use 11/13 :).
Since I have switched to 11/13 I haven't had a single ball drop on a female, not to say there hasn't been a stray seed here or there but I have not seen any full blown trannies in my garden. It may not be...
Great advice mate! I have a big bottle of h202 I have just been using it for cleaning though, I was afraid of nuking the critters but it makes sense 24 hours before you transplant and then re-add the critters back in!
wait... did you just say that herbies gives you better freebies? :shock::D I am quite surprised, herbies in my experience has always had the shittiest freebies.
When I did order from attitude I got like 30 seeds for the price of 10 and the 20 otther seeds were freebies with singles or 3 packs...
Golden Tree has done me right, my neighbor was skeptical at first too and then I go over to his house a week later and he has a half gallon sitting on the counter. Obviously we both believe in the product. There was no hype for him he is like 60 years old, he used it and saw the results and was...
I am totally thinking it could be a trap lol. Maybe you get the seeds but the popo comes with it lol.
People keep talking shit to him so he keeps posting all these pictures with packs and packs of seeds. I am waiting until someone else pulls the trigger.
Well I talked to the dude on FB and they claim to send out the seeds in breeders original packaging unless you are buying in bulk which comes in a ziplock with a label on it. Also said if I wanted anything that is not on the site to just let them know, they seem to have access to visa and...