I'm really enjoying the pettiness on riu lately. People have been reviving dead threads after months or even years just to argue. Seriously. It's the only reason I log in anymore. I love reading and chiming in on this shit. Ive never once grown in soil and I'm just going to throw my hat in...
That's sucks. I've never had them split my order up before. I usually stick to 5 or 6 fem packs at a time tho. That's their mango skunk finishing up now. I will say the one or two times ive dealt with their cusromer service its been mediocre at best. I chock it upto im just some american who...
I liked my twisty. I'm cheap and prefer a green rip every rip so I prefer a two hit bowl. But i liked the glass blunts. With well dried herb it was cool to pick it up 20 minutes later and still be able to get it going. I had the other kind withbthe glass push rod in them and would get the...
Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't realise I had offended you. I asked because it's not difficult to put them in the correct forum instead of acting like a victim. But nah it's cool. Rules need not apply to you. Just to all the others. Next time spend a little more time learning, reading, and critically...