So my plan isn't fully outdoor more mix of outdoor/greenhouse?
I have a small wooden closet about 5'x4'x7 off the side of my shop the top 3 inches is screened(for some reason)
Anyways I already ripped the plywood roof off and pretty much wondering g if I can grow in there... It will be hot as...
My climate is pretty much the same as la
I think mandalas strains will do well outside
Like that idea of a doghouse greenhouse! U can even hook up a carbon filter no see no smell
Got me thinkin. I already ripped the roof off a outdoor closet off my shop(looks like outhouse)
Prolly wont even...
Wanna make a DIY carbon filter...
If I rig a cardboard/ductape front with hole for carbon filter onto a box fan would that work?
Assuming I can get it taped good my plan was to have a trap of some sort and direct the air to a hole in the center so the cardboard should fit like this [ in front...
She still lookin healthy.. Summer is here and it's been hot in my veg area. El alquimista seems to thrive in the higher temps... Actually almost grows better without the ac on even. Heard of it being an easy to grow strain and so far so true
I've been to brite ideas on congress a few times.. Arm and a leg for foxfarms....
Sucks in my hometown I'd get like ten bags at a time for 20 bucks a piece and the lady there was an old hippy wouldn't ring up about half of my supplies everytime I went...then help me load it a jaguar haha
On they even sale aircooled hoods.. Home Depot sales whole grow lights I think just 250watts and t5s
Maybe that would be helpful for people that don't have hydro stores around them
All of the breeders on sannies website are good and cheap especially breeders boutique/e$ko
One of the breeders I'd like to try and hear good things about is dynasty seeds.. Also on sannie seeds
Not sure how u didn't understand maybe that makes more sense?