Here's some golden advice whatcha do is look at all the lights being advertised on this site like ecosunlite and houyi go green etc then cross check prices on eBay or alibaba and you pick the cheapest one
They all will work the same since they are all using the same leds
Then kick your feet up...
Well doggy kept mentioning me sporadically with ill intent so I paid a visit thatsall
Please carry on I only show up when requested
I even deleted the lasts posts in good faith
Here's two easy concepts leave me out of it and I'll leave you out of it and concept 2 there are playful pokes and malicious pokes I'm very aware of both as are you
Time to go take care of important things in life like my loved ones but poke and I'll poke back
Insanity is being on here everyday all day which I've had a slight taste of which is why I make it a point to get off there's much more insane people running the led section than me
You do make some good points
i don't find it funny but its your house thanks for taking the time to reply
fyi a wiki
Sexual harassment is bullying or coercion of a sexual nature, or the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors.[1] In most modern legal contexts, sexual harassment is...
Nice to see you drop the mixed caps or was it always 1st leyter whigivesahoot careful you don't want to mix up your socks
Is this sexual harassment wow you got no limits huh pooch
Chuck yah I got a like button
Pretty sure I remember the first metal cutout was mouser playing on the machine but I have better things to do than fact check this bunch that be a full time job
im sure the markups are elsewhere but more important is dissing other growers and techs while you haven't even used them to grow a plant no to mention counting on others to do it for you but it goes on and on that's just the ice burger tip
When do I get my damn tramp stamp like button is what...
Excuse me kind sir but I was mostly responding to your repeated jabs at me. This is not the forum for this and your absolutely correct I speed read your posts lol