Sapphire OG popped. What on earth do I do with it?!!! It looks like it has cotyledons on each end and a massively thick taproot
False alarm. I thought it was a Siamese but it seems that the cotyledons were split at "birth". One is on the actual top, the other loosely attached
Sage n sour still falling over periodically. Any ideas? I did take the humidity dome off and put it under my 125w CFL This morning (around 2 ft away) then it started happening.
Gonna place it back by the window with the hot water bottle underneath, and dome ontop again. Looks like it's trying...
I just did a quick forum search, they probably are great people but there are a few threads here which said their genetics weren't so good and the gorilla glue imparticular was mentioned. Just a heads up.
I put them under the cfl, been a few hours now (without dome) and the sage n sour is drooping. Other two seem fine. Dome back on and im going to check on them in the morning - placed a sheet of paper on top of the dome to diffuse some of the light just incase its too bright. Don't want to shock...
Do you mean the long tap root like mine had, or do you mean once they start popping out the edges of the cube? My usual veg tent is a 125W CFL, my flower tent is a 315w CMH (soon to be two in there, excited :D)
I think I'll give them it infrequently, I had a lot of yellowing and dying leaves (and 3 hands full) but I don't think that's deficiency related.
I did use RO water but ive not had any problems that I can identify as being due to my water. Im only now letting my water sit because I know there...
Hey ttystikk! You are correct! I probably rambled on far too much in my previous posts. I basically realised late last night that they'd popped way sooner than I had expected, I don't like to play with my plants when ive smoked so I set my alarm early to get up and do it early.
Just so you...
Yeah I get you, I never normally leave them this long on purpose I just didn't expect after 2 days for them to be that long! Shouldnt complain. I was just too high to cope with it last night haha.
If they aren't perked up by tonight I'll put them in the 3" cubes ive got and put them under a...
Maybe im micromanaging but as well as a dome ive now put a hot water bottle under the plate they're on. I didn't use boiling water just warm water from the tap. Sort of a make shift heat mat.
I put a dome over them as they started to droop almost instantly, it's probably due to the amount of root manipulation I needed to get them in the cubes. Only downside of rockwool vs a soil like medium like coco or soil.
Now ive placed them on a plate on my window sill, hopefully they perk up today. This is my least favourite stage of growth.
From back to front - Skywalker kush > sage n sour > grapefruit krush.
This is sage n sour, all of them pretty much looked like this. Ive not had good success rates with seedlings ive left this long. Rockwool cubes pH of 5.7 - shaken excess off before poking a cocktail stick through so I can fit the majority of the root down. Packed with some root hormone powder...
Skywalker kush, grapefruit krush and sage n sour all popped within 1 day, I checked on day 2 and its day 3 now and I desperately need to plant them so I got up early to do so. Completely forgot about it yesterday.
Sapphire OG and afghan Kush Ryder should be ready to go soon too