this could be like a "preservation society" where premium genetics are shipped all across the world to preserve just in case shit hits the fan. Auto's might be good for an apocalyptic situation, however they would not be in my box...
If you read the first post you are way too stoned, I said how people like trying out the latest and greatest not the shittiest that sits on the shelves.... this has nothing to do with old stock at all lolol.. not once did I bring up old or cobwebbed brother.
I don't work for any seed company I...
I know a member here who could donate his whole collection and I could probably sustain the model for a few years XD hahaha just kiddin he only has like 2 packs of everything.
Alright, I have to clean this room real fast and then I will get back into thinking mode and smoke some couchlock.
I think if pre-orders were involved you could order your 3 month subscription off the top, one month wouldn't really be for the customer base I am thinking. The one monthers would grab and run, if it is going to be special it should be 3-6 month commitment.
You guys are so cool at gorilla! I am...
If you take a moment to actually look up the strain he suggested you would find there are phenos with pink hairs. Don't be an asshat.
Leave that for people like me who don't give a fuck about stompin on bullies.
If I was a seed vendor it would be much easier as I would have access to the wholesale prices and could get a number in my head for what I would be needing to start this up. Off the top of my head I was thinking having enough for a 3 month subscriptions for at least 20 people. But the problem...
This was a mix of adult rootbeer drunkeness and some really good herb, I didn't quite pan out the details I am just wondering if people would even be interested in something like this. Obviously it would have to come from someone trustworthy and have some test runs or something done.
I was...
I was just sitting here smoking a couple bowls of excalibur from area51 genetics and I saw a 420 goodie box and it got me thinking. There are so many people here that have the itch to constantly pick up new seeds all the time, myself included. So many new flavors coming out and not enough time...
Yeah, don't act like Dungeon was the one bashing the cripple it was me!
I don't mind having to walk farther for someone to get a closer parking spot or put in a ramp etc etc... nothing wrong with helping others experience everyday life. However when you take advantage of your handicap, lie...