Thanks sethimus, will search the site and report back here !
No like-button for me yet, else i would have liked the shit out of it, lol, desperate in search for a nice heatsink :)
My buddy tried tonight to buy them, but had troubles with the site, he's gonna try again tomorrow. I also mailed the site myself.
Other pieces (heatsinks, growtronix system) are put on hold, it's too much money for my buddy to lend, i'll have to wait for an inheritage, should be before end this...
I have 12 left, I would sell them for 40€ + shipping costs.
I don't have any experience selling things through internet, so do not really know what the best way is to proceed.
First comes, first goes i guess. I'd rather sell them 4 at a time, just to be certain not to get stuck with a few...
hey Durei, same problem here, no pm button, also no like button and i've seen them used before on this site; How much would you want ? still have to order them too, but once i know for sure there gonna sell, i'll go for it.) Erlking would like to have 4 so still 8 left
Hey guys, learned a lot lately from this site and I know what i want now for a setup.
It's gonna be a 2'x4' closet grow with 8 cxa3070 3000K with some 5000K later on in the middle.
So I would buy a 20-pack if I would be certain to be able to resell the other 12, else it's gonna be Z2 or Z4's...
Hey guys, i would buy a 20-pack cxa3070 AB's if I would be certain i could resell the other 12, i only need 8 for a 2'x4' closet.
Are there people here from Europe who would also like to buy and if so, what is the safest way these days to do such transactions ? Do i just take a picture of the...
If you read a few pages back, epicfail has a box 2'x4' with 8 cxa3070 @ 700 to 1050mA, it gives max 40? watts/sqf.
I'm thinking on doing the same thing but divided in 2 times 2'x2' (12/12 flip-flop) to level out heat (warm the non lighted area) with the same 2 drivers , but am worried about...