I did it once with my Jack Skellington trim and that 25 was oh so icky icky goodness, but as Frenchy said there is usually a miss step somewhere in your process. I only say this because that was the only time that happened with my Jack trim and no other time again.
As far as the admission we really haven't talked about that just because we are still trying to get a place to hold the event which I do have a spot in mind, its just that its in the Springs and we feel it would be a better turn out in Denver. Saying that if we did have an admission it wouldn't...
You can read as much as you want, but you won't learn what your going to learn at this workshop from just reading forums. Also we are having a special guest come and teach us and others about this knowledge that he has had for 30+ years and you think we need to supply you with bags etc. also.
Well this is why I don't really like dispensaries etiher, they don't know what the fuck there doing if they cant get it to press here cuz of humidity. I press all day in CO and it always turns out fire, I actually enjoy the fact that the humidity is lower here for when I'm curing my hash.
I was also just thinking the only way you can bring your own material and run it during the workshop is if your 21 or older or have your red card. I hate to be that guy, but I also would hate to have the workshop get shut down cuz of some non sense.
I also thought I should note that if we do get this going and you were wanting to bring your own material to run that you should also have your own tools such as bags, buckets, etc.