I also wanted to ask you Frenchy that if we get this workshop up and going if it would be possible to run a cooking section as well, as far as what to do with the 160 and what not. I feel it would be very benefical to a lot of people. I say this because the salve I make from my hash concentrate...
This is kinda for you Dabs, so the first two are of my first batch of shatter taught to me, though I didn't not do it all myself I fully understand the concept and it was my trim from my plants and the last is of course a full melt Chernobyl patty that's off the fucking hook. Anyways I hope all...
The chef and I are very serious about getting this together, so I would like to see all you Colorado weed nerds get on this. Also chef if we can't find the right place to host for this, I'm down to help with renting a place out for the day if comes down to that.
Yeah Colorado needs this. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of smart and dank growers, but I feel like there is not enough dank full melt and there should be more.
I'm not sure exactly where you would want to hold it, but in Colorado Springs where I live there is the Grow warehouse and its huge and I'm in with the guys there, so maybe they'd be down to hold it there. I'm just sure a majority of the people going would be in the Denver area.
I have been wanting to get Frenchy out here for a workshop I just don't know many people I could gather up for it, but it seems like the Colorado crew is recognizing him more for the great hash teacher he is. Maybe we can get something together for a workshop in the Rockies/Colorado area soon.
Looks like a female to me, also if it was going to be a herm and its in week two of flower you would have anywhere from two to seven days from now and it would completely pollinate out. I think your good though.
I really wish I had went to the cup, but I did hear from a friend that I wouldn't of liked it cuz of being closterphobic and how many people were there.
Thanks for the info on the Space Candy and yeah my friend thought it would be good luck, but it was just by chance that is was the day he arrived into town to his new house and needed to get set up quick.
So couldn't make it to cup do to helping hook up a room for a friend, anyways my buddy just missed you while you were out and about at the cup, so I guess we'll meet soon and I'll have my genetics for you. I have a quick question though, Do you know anything about the Space Candy from...
I'm actually about to run a test here soon too, to see if its viable as well to switch from HPS to LED's. I will be keeping up with this to see of it all works out for you. Good luck.
Major point here, as I just harvested my Poisonberry which is covered in trich's but isn't a make you stupid high like my Plushberry which isn't covered. Both great smokes though.