That pic of the nug was not from me my best buddy ran than but I got him on the bodhi kick but I ordered dungeon vault false teeth v2 excited to try that out maybe cross it into some bodhi make some super funk
I am pretty excited I have fat cherry x ssdd ssddx purp wookie , time bandit purple sunshine a bunch of shit I can't wait to pop but I'm thinking of finding a ssdd stud and hitting a starfighter fem or I have gage green Casey jones x mendo montage I think hitting that w ssdd would make a fire chuck
The stuff I been taking for years strictly for outside and it works great it's had plenty of time to decompose whatif you burn shit out of soil it sterilize it?
Yeah i been in the bodhi thread a lot a lot of good ppl in there plus I love bodhis genetics! There awesome but everything is going alright bro just trying to get some girls together for the great outdoors so my time has been filled im trying to get a truck bed of soil from a cow farm to make an...