A few pics of the strained budder. Used sugar leaves from a bunch of different plants, and made it stronger than recommended. I used 1.6 oz to 3 sticks of butter. some say 1.5-1.8 to 1 LB(4 sticks) for trim like I did, so I bumped it up by putting in less butter. I am a little worried about how...
Also been crockin that budder, that shit stanks! It smelled like I smoked a fatty when I walked into my room last night. But this morning, About 16 hours in and it smells more like regular butter. I take it as all the thc has been released, and collected by the butter. Im going to still let it...
Went out to feed the jungle trio. All starting to frost/bud up and smelling nice. I saw quite a difference from 6 days ago.
"Small one", "eastie", "westie", and a couple closer shots( small+eastie I think). Finally came up with Those sweet names.
Im at the beginning of week 3 (estimate) and I just trimmed a bit a couple days ago, but that will be it. they are starting to really put out buds and I don't want to stress them out. I try to start early and just trim a handful once in a while. Especially the bottom half, I rarely trim anything...
I do it with my outdoor plants. I get limited sunlight in the afternoon so the backsides of my plants are very trimmed up. I usually go on how good the branch is growing. If its a thick healthy stem its good, but if it isn't keeping up with the rest as far as thickness its not getting good sun...
I think that trimming the lower buds helps "put the energy to the tops" and it also makes trimming a lot easier. Last year I was kicking myself for leaving so much popcorn bud. Takes so long to trim and dries to almost nothing. Anything that looks weak and scraggly gets chopped. Its tough to do...
Pretty much everything ive got at home is starting to smell like grape, and the one that smelled like gum has some leaves turning purple, its only on one branch so that's kindof weird.
I am also going to whip up a batch of butter today. Trying the 20ish hour simmer, stirring about 5 times...
Only if you are desperate, Ive done it in my youth, but now that I am wiser, and have more bud I don't need to stoop down to that level :cool:...it really is nasty, not "harmful" but its mostly tar and soot. Catch a buzz if you need it tho.
Niiiice pics!! I was mindboggled at the frosty screen door. Had no idea what I was looking at or why the colors where there. And the first picture with the waterfall, I slowly scrolled down and the water started to bend and look all warped, Just the way I scrolled down made it awesome. nice job.
Yea I was taught to never strike a woman. Strangle is as far as it goes.:mrgreen:....But it looked like he gave her a mean hook, no need for that. hard enough to smack her head off the wall and lose consciousness. He's a bitch for doing it, and a dumbfuck for doing it in public.
One time a couple years ago, I got like a half ounce and did them a few times in a short span. even back to back days. Not addicted, but they were there and nothing better to do. It actually got boring. Too often= less enjoyable....But I used to be a "Secret tripper". I liked to try and buzz out...
Do you sell groceries too? I like to get canned goods in bulk. My tuna supply is getting low. Also do you deliver from regional outlets or is shipping going to be crazy?
Viagra and Cialis made the list, he must be older....Maybe this is a list of all the stuff he has tried. then he forgot to explain what the thread was.?...not many hallucinogens
This ^ was always my favorite way to do it. But last 2 years ive been just soaking for 12-24 hours in water and planting in cups of roots organic. Maybe a 3/4" hole with my finger and lightly cover. Same success rate just takes longer to pop out of the soil. I got some real seeds (first order)...