im asking you to tell me to point out where I've been caught out lying, you can't because there's no lies on here you stupid twat, you are a little bitch and follow the crowd and the only fucker lying on here Is you saying that I have been caught out loads of times but can't show 1 example, you...
No I haven't I'm still waiting for tangerine to educate me on the lies that I've told he's busy bumping the thread that is pissing everyone off its hilarious lol
That's all people are capable of here is pictures with memes on it, how old are you lol if you got anything to say say it but don't be a bitch and Just make up that I've Been caught out lying because I don't lie I'm a bit old for prokies but guilty of forgetting things every now and then Like...
Stop winging and tell me what I contradicting myself on, like the other prick here who said i was caught out lying, I'm still waiting for him to point my lie out,he won't find 1 because there aren't Any neither contradicting myself, I've stated 109 time's wtf happened deal with it your sounding...
And that's the kind of 24ct cocksucker of a reply to expect from here lol I mean really ,if you going to try and offend me and piss me off you'll have to try a lot better next time because you won't get your chance again as your on the silly bitch ignore list with the rest of the BBTs go figure lol
Lmao, I'm attention seeking,I think you'll find i don't crave no attention off the likes of you and the other assholes who claim they know it all here but when I set them straight with what's happening they stfu or they Just bitch Like you And i will bitch back it's not rocket science neither...
Come on then cunny funt where have I lied and been caught out, call you on it show me exactly what I lied and contradicted myself about and who's proved it?
I'll post what I Like when I like thanks iys a forum for anyone and I would've left it at that but people got assy bro so I showed mutual respect back and here we are 40th page almost Bodhi should be paying me for the publicity lol
I guess that's aimed at me, if you think I'm lying call me on it bro I've got nothing to hide, you honestly believe that I'm going to wake up and decide to pick on bodhi And a strain and fabricate 30 pages of information and take photos of the seeds that I yielded was a Google screenshot or...
the left pot is the first run of SSDD 1 plant, the 1 on the right is the 2nd run 2 plants 2 different phenotypes,the second 1 worse twice as bad and i think it ruined the first pheno I run because this time it had more seed's as a result twice the amount of male pollen site's, and that's just...
so I was chucking the soil that I grew the SSDD earlier and I looked on top of the soil still in the pot with just a chopped stalk and noticed dead material on it's own that looked like nannas so I pointed a torch dug it out under a jewellers loop and they 100% look exactly like dried up nannas...
Know what the irony is here, all the people who are getting menstrual because I had a bad experience with SSDD and you see that as hating on Bodhi and bad publicity realise this, newbies are gonna come on here looking to see what people are growing and they will see Bodhis name being praised by...
Where have I lied?, I have been through why I didn't do a journal and keep pics on my phone, you seem to be under the impression that people are obligated to journal their Every move Just because you have a newbie and his word means shit, judging by my past post's does it look Like a guy that...