If you gonna ask a question folk's by all means do,but don't tell me i should be doing this and that uploading pic's and because I'm new my words are not worth a wank, you were once new yourself, I've been growing since 2007 on and off and Only done 1 journal years ago but was caught up in mates...
What i did find in a og kush freebie was a couple of seeds nothing too bad which was also next to the SSDD 1 but down wind of the fans everything else psychosis and 1 blueberry hashplant didn't find any seed and neither did the people who i give it to said neither bro
Look I'm not around my plant's 24/7 as they're not in my place and look up geo tagging on images, you leave a digital footprint behind whatever you upload on these sites so I am not interested in risking uploading photos and information to be busted later Just so you can see a photo, it's...
Welcome to the silly little bitch ignore list cock sucking asshole, stop tongue fucking everyone by jumping on the bandwagon,ok we get it your a big boy who can upload a pic and congratulations your 1 of the gang now, what a silly fuckwit lmao
Does that look like 1 seed to you fuck off not interested in any of your expert knowledge stick it up your ass sidewards if you going to be a bitch about it and take a seat with the other little bitches in the silly little bitch ignore list this site is full of fucking know it alls And brown...
I'm not going nuts over a nanna bro I'm Just heartbroken to be let down by Such Stella strain more than anything and then the seeded weed second,all this time growing not 1 Hermie,ok the odd seed here and there like 3 or 4 in a whole plant but this is a dozen per big budsite or 3-4 per small...
I made hay while the sun shined bro and picked the best male 1 of the SSDD males which could pass as a female with the short internode spacing and big bushy leaves and trichomes lol flowered it collected the smallest amount of pollen you could possibly get brushed a small branch of psychosis...
I have already have, and explained myself a million times bro lol I'm done with this now I showed a photo with seed's 10 pages ago but people Just want to jump on the bandwagon and be naive, that's fine and they can just wait for someone to come along and give a fuck lol
Oh just do 1 luv, is that better I'm done with this ages ago,if you were decent and asked me what happened instead of jumping on the bandwagon and spoke to me tidy you would have got the tidy side of me be a sarcastic asshole and I'll be asshole back and that goes to anyone else who assumes...
Whatever bro I'm Sick of fucking explaining and it's people like yourself who are keeping this thread with your bs, I have explained over and over and it's FACT I had hermies, it's not the norm and just 1 of those things, just because you had no problems with it don't categorise everyone to have...
I get it now bro I have drawn a conclusion that it's not the norm that I had hermies with Bodhi seeds and Like others say here and myself no breeder's are immune from hermies and does happen from time to time, it's a pity others here think that's not the case and they know it all because they've...
Fuck off your a complete cunt who has no Idea about what I grow, and for the record I didn't bash the fucking breeder i just stated that I had shit luck with SSDD and not fussed now take a seat in the silly little bitch ignore list and go fuck yourself, no fucker asked you anyways lol
The Only other picture i got on my phone is not a close up, I don't do journals bro I have learned by mistakes and try not to Keep pictures of plants on my phone anymore,long story lol the Only 1 I could find from before wasn't close ups and not good light, and if you got red flags fine i don't...