Yeah Fare comment bro I'm Just gutted that the weed gods Hermied the SSDD and not the freebie seed's i tried lol nevermind hopefully i created a awesome hybrid with psychosis and SSDD male lol
I've had hermies in the passed but never had them This bad and i read so much good things about SSDD so I personally think now it's not the norm but at the time i wrote this thread i was fuming as I put a lot of time and £70 quid later i was left with 2 hermies From 10 seeds, and then people...
I have pollinated psychosis properly bro and made the Best out of a shit situation with a short Bushy SSDD male i had loads to choose from so picked the best looking 1so hopefully I'll end up with a SSDD/psychosis hybrid and growing 3 in veg as we speak and already smell Nice and got trichomes...
I think I'll leave sunny D anyway bro,I prefer the ridiculously stinky strain's tbh or blue, if I were to try bodhi Again id try something else like goji but my confidence has taken a Knock, I got some UGORG killer skunk in veg atm and hope the weed god's smile on me this time lol maybe I'll...
Its a pain in the ass bro,mine is a 50/50 Hermie or worse, it's not just the odd seed i don't mind that,but I'm talking dozens per budsite, it's Like I've gone in the grow Room and blown a teaspoon of pollen in my room Only this time it's worse as I grew 2 hermies and they've pollinated my...
And I wouldn't grumble if it were a couple of seeds here and there that's manageable but I can't even put this weed through a grinder because it dust's the seeds and the smell is disgusting and the smoke is not enjoyable, I am done with SSDD unless a fellow grower gives me a cutting i won't...
I found out this only recently bro and I don't keep journals so wouldn't expect him to just take my word for it, I wouldn't know how to contact him anyway I looked for a website to ask if I've had a fake pack or something but no joy, gutted bro and don't want to go through that again and ruin my...
I'll keep the thread going as long as pricks come on here and think they know it all And follow the crowd and be assy and not even ask wtf I've done to be so sure i am in no fault why I got hermies,if you don't want to believe it fine i won't loose any sleep over it believe me
I've just come out of my grow room now and noticed that the 2 sunshine daydream phenos 1 that I tried first and Hermied and the 2nd pheno that I hoped wouldn't Hermie on me but it did but this time they've pollinated my neighbouring psychosis and I've grown this psychosis for year's and not once...
Time for you to shut the fuck up and read the whole thread including the post's i found of others getting hermies with Bodhi, take your tongue out of his ass and deal with it,your on the silly little bitch ignore list so kindly fuck off lol
Look Pal your not in my grow room you've never grown Hermie sunshine daydream, I have and it was just ok and had more positive feedback off critical pheno I had end of conversation
What SSDD male, I've never flowered a SSDD male in my Room, I flowered my male in a separate room collected the pollen and fertilised psychosis, I don't know what you on about