Atta boy! Forever young, let us all be forever young! Do we really wanna live forever something something...
:bigjoint: I am not fuckin with them at the moment and they are doing splendid. I see a weak one in the bunch but you never know, some of those fuckers surprise the hell out of us...
My favorite cross was GSC x Snow Dream, left a late male in the tent didn't realize it cuz I was workin + commute 80 hours at the time so had to have my wife water because I was exhausted. It was a nice mixture and my first cross ever :). It had some crazy variations and was totally unstable but...
Some people grow from only one company's offerings because ; they trust the technique, results, or people .. etc. So when I see headband from Loud, CC, HSO, it doesn't bother me because I have the choice to go with the company that I trust most. I like variety and that is why I pop so many from...
If you are looking for quality cannabis going to a club in the ghetto probably isn't the brightest idea.
There are a few collectives I have been to that actually have purchasers who have been around marijuana for over 20 years and know almost everything that they can know without owning a...
Just fuckin with ya, its been super slow around here without bad spanish. If respect had a ladder I would have already broken all the rungs.
The plants looked amazing ;) I just can't stand BAE, I see it almost every day now it is like idiocracy is coming to life!