hmm interesting, yea i know supra will have the answer he always seems too, and yea i want to use the same light from veg to flower i was planning on slapping on 1 xpe2 blue and 1 xpe2 deep red next to each cxa 3070 or vero just to add soem extra spectrum and also have them on a switch, so the...
i saw the veros they were a heck of a lot cheaper but rom what supra said they arent as efficient or nice on the spectrum balance, if i do get the vero 29's which ones do i get the 3000K or higher, i read several places the 3000K is not the same as the CXA 3000K
Exactly why I am here, thanks for your help bro, I'm Not buying anything until I fully. Understand the electrical Aspect of this. Ok did some reading an forgot a few deets when reading that the cobs will only pull at 38.4v and max at 2. 8 amps, so to get 100w per cob I need a driver capable...
OK, thank you, I will keep that in mind, but has anyone been able to find if I can successfully run the 3070 cobs at 100w a piece(8 drivers) ? Or two cobs at 200w(4 drivers) for a total of 800, still Need the right drivers to get the job done.
They are both made by meanwell, and that's what I thought but I have seen several people running the 3070s with them. Which leads me to believe the cobs will. Only pull what they can.
Hi everyone! Been reading page after page after page, and I'm ready to build my first Led project, big shout out to supraspl for dropping so much knowledge and expertise and taking the risk so we could reap the benefits.
I want to run my cxa 3070 at 100w a piece for a total of 800w from 8...