Couldn't resist a night shot, update day 31 flower, back to 12/12 but still using far red at lights out. No more extra 630/660nm red leds which i think may have been too much red after looking at the cmh graph of red it already has. And last my co2 is up to 1400 ppm. I'll have a very close eye...
I'm up late, high, and laughing realizing i didnt read your other post correctly lol.....I wasn't trying to imply you used any filters or anything ....I thought you were referring to me lol thats why i mentioned i used my wifes camera...a nice dslr camera with a macro lens hahaha oh the joys of...
Ahhhh I thought so, I been on this forum a while like yourself so I think I remember you using it for flowering before the induction days. I been searching for a deal on a used indagro to use for my other veg room
Nice garden hyroot, wow I miss my quantum bad boy system, i had a 16 bulb one it was a beast. You using aquarium specific nm color spectrum bulbs? nice
That's a heavy looking 20g ;) and hey some people have nice cameras don't hate kb lol I personally used no filters and will still most likely lose haha
I haven't seen any pics that appear to be schwag in any of the remainding contestants, sooo i think it's going to boil down to people's personal preferences orrr playing favorites .....?
Ohhh yea thats right its monday and its my turn for a glamour shot update :bigjoint: I'm going to flush the shit out of her and should be chopping in a week, week and a half at the most....
(lowest nugs)
Up close and personal annnd all up in my business up close and very personal lol
its bright but does have a nice vibe in that room. Its funny GG because I have bought so many lights lol annnd sold alot as well, but these ol ufo gems are working well. I think the added 450nm blue is making a bigger difference than i thought. Compared to my last veg under the cmh alone these...
Hey guys just taking the time to point out a somewhat local company selling a great product i picked up. ( I usually post in indoorgrowing and led forum sections so not all of you may follow my threads or know me on here. I've never trolled any thread, nor am I a salesmen or endorsed by anyone...
Hey guys just taking the time to point out a somewhat local company selling a great product i picked up. Met these guys at the Boston max yield expo and had to give them a shout out here because they are cool down to earth people. And they designed it themselves because they are gardeners...
5 years going on 6 years strong for breaks...just some hiccups and n there lol and prob have used every type of lighting there is.....besides plasma and cfl