Sounds good. You guys have prevented me from doing so Mich trial and error. I'll use the method @SupraSPL described above. Now its just logistics to fit my veg and bloom into a 6x6 space. I'm thinking a 2x2.5 gorilla tent will work well with my veg up high and cloner below. Since the clones love...
So in ordered my 5.88x52" sinks. What do you guys think about covering the fins with aluminum sheet metal and using one central fan to pull instead of push? So I can use natural convection to take that hot air right to my exhaust instead of pushing it down into the room?
I got some good fans...
Since you have a limit ( I suffer from the same burden) grow bigger! You can DiY a clone of the constant current dwc system for about 1/3 the price of buying the setup. Need bigger buckets than 5 gal. But your yeilds will go up exponentially. Also a water chiller is a must!
On another note,
I found a custom heatsink shop online that said they would beat HSusa price. They want me to send the a spec sheet.
So if we could design a 'perfect' (I use that term loosley) heatsink for our type of application, what would it be?
Fin height?
Fin spacing?
Fin width?
I already ordered the 80deg lenses. I plan on making the "light bars" height adjustable. What is my optimal distance from light to canopy? My only worry about covering the ends of the sinks is heat retention over those outer lights. I'm sure it won't be much because they will be actively cooled...
12 cxb 3590 3000k 72v CB bin
Mean well hlg c-120-1050
2 cobs per driver
Total watts diss. 907.4
Gives me a par of about 16.5/ft2
Ambient temp 21C
Rdwc . I'm going to clone the constant current system with 18g pots.
Check my other threads here...
OK after reading this thread till my eyes are popping out..
I've decided my best course.
5.88x48 x3
4 cobs per sink diss 75.6 each x 4 = 302.4w diss per sink
Giving me 104.83 cm2/w
3 of these spread over a 5x5 will give my best coverage me thinks. @SupraSPL I would love to hear your input on...
Trying to use
Seems pretty legit.
Can anyone tell me the
Rjc ( C/w )
For the cxb3590 3000k 72v CB?
I've been looking through the Cree paperwork can't seem to find it
Alright guys,
Help a brother out here.
12 cxb3590 over a 5x5 area.
I am ordering from HSUSA.
I'm.not worried so much aboit cooling as I am light spread.
The will be powered by hlg 120-1050 2 per driver.
Alas I already placed the order. Now I'm think my best spread would of come from rows of 3...
I just asked these same questions brother. Looks like @SupraSPL already broke it down for you ( you DA man!)
Check this thread for more info