Did you grow the amnesia xxl outside? what type of yield did you get off of her? if i can't find exactly what i'm looking for i may settle for some of the longer start to finish autos.
@GrowUrOwnDank i appreciate the response. i'm interested particularly in a strain that i can keep in a vegging state during a 24 hr light period, but will immediately flower once the photoperiod is less than that. maybe this wouldnt be considered a true auto, but i thought you auto enthusiasts...
About 12 years I got a cut from a friend that he called the early paul. I know this is not a known strain, maybe it was really the early pearl or early nepal, but thats what he called it. Anyways, the cut would veg under 24 hrs of light but as soon as you put it outside (or cut to 18/6) it would...
should still be a pretty good card...sucks when you pay for tickets for one fight and end up getting another though. thats happened to me before too. i was down there superbowl weekend last year. we had tickets to the game but sold em in vegas and went to diaz vs silva instead.
if barnett comes in right i think he's gonna smash rothwell....but barnett looked horrible against travis browne and wasn't to impressive against big country.
i like rumble by way of murder in the first. i'm surprised that mcgregor is the favorite there. i'll tell you what, when the two of them are on the stage together mcgregor looks bigger than rda...not that that should make him the favorite, but most the the mcgregor nay sayers were citing rda's...
anytime a fighter has a meteoric rise there will be an army of contrarians that forms. its really for the best as negative opinions generate interest just as effectively as positive ones. i personally hope mcgregor slays dos anjos and moves back down to defend the belt against edgar. that is the...
When he beat Josh Thompson I was very impressed. The Barboza fight was very entertaining, which he also won. If he beats Michael Johnson then he'll be ready for a title shot, but he has shown to be susceptible to good wrestlers.
i thought cruz clearly outstruck him as well as landed a bunch of takedowns on a guy that had never been taken down. AND dillashaws face was probably more jacked up than cruz(pretty close though)