F4 and F5 backcrosses are better than the F1 hybrids usually, or should I say more stable. Although the way Sub is doing his shit is working, cuz I'll say I use to have his agent orange and that girl was amazing, so you can talk all your shit on him you want but he's the one with a seed company.
hey man don't let them fucking retards piss you off, I've been growing for years and I know growers like them and its ones that really haven't gone any where, so they take it out on people like you on the internet.
No one should ever ever use miracle grow, it is for ornamental use only. meaning it is no good on fruits, vegetables, things we smoke. not good for the body at all.
your plant looks like its doing fine, you may want to wash it down and maybe neem oil because it don't look like nute problems, it looks as if you have some bugs that like you little lady.
That's really what its all about, I have the patience of a 4 year old, but I know in the garden patience is everything so I get pretty zen when I'm in there. Also with your soil releasing nutrients every time you water I would just keep using fresh water all the way to harvest, unless for any...