how is bones,blood and manure bad for the enviroment.these are natural substances,that break down natrually.they always have done.when a animal dies in nature,it doesnt become bad for enviroment.
you can put clones straight into soil.just make sure its in those small starter pots,so they can fit in the propagator.ive done it plenty of times using a light mix soil,and t doesnt really take any longer for them to root.but you will get 100% success,or damn near close,if you put the clones...
ive grown in a 4x4 tent for a few years in the past,and i had a 600 watter in there.and i was getting a pound plus every harvest,so forget those numbers of yours.if you have 4 bushy plants in there,thats 150 watts per plant.
some ppl cant handle the effects of certain strains,which makes them panic,and have an attack.if your heart is racing really fast,because its a strong sativa,that can scare ppl into a panic attack,which then makes things worse.
you might have a heart issue.when you get high,your heart doesnt work properly,and so blood doesnt get pumped to your brain they way it should,which causes vision problems and blackouts.this could be fatal.i few months ago a girl who was smoking on her own died from this,her heart stopped.this...
should have got the chuckys bride instead.very dank.and the chocolate rain aswell.i have to say tho,your review of holy princess,is the only bad one ive read.
the country was in a mess before obama took over.i think you need to look at how bad things were when bush was president(i wont say in power)because the real ppl with the power are behind the scenes,and they stay in power regardless of who the president is. grown are actually more resistant to pests and desease,this is common knowledge.also i can tell the difference between organic and synthetic,just because you cant,it doesnt mean i cant.i started off growing using sythetic nutrients 12 years ago,but have switched over to more...