Do you put water in the tubs your branches stick out of?
We cut each branch off whole and place them in tubs with a few inches of water in the bottom. So they stay fresh as we trim. Even if you can't get to trimming it that day the branches and buds stay fresh and don't wilt up.
I hate...
We have a long (3/8 mile) steep driveway.
Posted land is #1, must. (Gives you a defence if someone gets hurt trespassing on your land.) A gate on our road to slow them down. Driveway sensors to let us know there's someone coming. Wireless (closed circuit) cameras, to see who. (For rural areas...
Picture from this morning of the frost we had last night.
The covered greenhouse that saved my girls. (taken from the man lift)
I'm so sore today, from leaning out of that basket on the lift to screw all the strapping on.
27 degrees last night.
Normally when the news says we are going to get a frost or freeze, I take notice.
But I just had a feeling this freeze was going to be bad.
So happy we busted our butts yesterday and got the greenhouse covered.
So many friends and family stopped to help as well.
I was afraid I'd break the roof, running up and down it.
Knowing my luck I'd land right on a plant and squish it. Then the rest would come down, like a tower of cards and crush the rest.
But come to find out its a lot more rugged then I thought.
( note to self; forward on lever to go up. Duhhh..!!)
Hard Freeze coming in for us tomorrow night.
I still have some strapping to get on the greenhouse but the pt 2 x 4 rafters 4 ft on center don't like my weight on them.
So here's my check list.
More strapping ( going to get some now )
Tow behind man lift. ( lined up for tomorrow morning )...
Doublejj hit the nail on the head. Cover those girls up with a plastic A frame if at all possible.
We got our first frost last night and I still don't have the top on my greenhouse. I'm scrambling today to finish my strapping so I can get my cover on.
Luckily I was able to cover my...