Nice gaff bill not to different to the 1 i stayed in last year our apartment was just across the road from mellow yellow.
And on another note I was told today that some little cunt was around the back of my new yard last night looking to rob the place i hope they come back tonight because little...
I got a shed at the bottom of the garden but i wont be putting a grow in there their all robbing cunts around here they'll pinch your fucking eyes if your not looking
I'll be running as soon as i can but not in the attic as planned need to get money for materials 1st so me and the bird might have to use our bedroom for 1 run to sort out xmas and the groom
Just had to evict the previous owner out of my new yard fucking tears every where tried pulling on my heart strings...........ta ra butt had them and my conscience removed long ago now fuck off before i get the old bill to fuck you off!!!!
Morroco has also been mentioned as the biggest hash producing country on docu programs I have seen as I said before depends on where you source your info
This thread is not like the 6 mate there are no or very little manners and everyone is a cunt (not all the time but most lol) if you are easily offended this is not the place for you