Walked into work today to find a large roll of mylar waiting for me to take home happy fucking days also found a 6 and a 12“ extraction fan that could fall into the boot of the car by tomorrow the 12 is a bit to big for my needs though
The overall quality is getting better now that people are getting stuck with commercial shite and fuck curing it if the punter wants cured gear let them do it themselves we got enough risk as it is
The GHS exo is a nice smoke with good resin production fairly strong smoke but just don't stink like it should IMO I was expecting some really smelly gear, it does smell but doesen't STINK like I was hoping for
The cheese dawg is some tasty gear big hairy buds not dense but like pop bottles and a diesel sweet taste benn puffing some tonight 10 week cured the cheesy dick I grew is some nice gear to